@Khan & Pearmath features the exhibition GLOBALISED SYMBOLISM with works by Arunanshu Chowdhury: exhibition curated by Dr. Sarah Khan

January, 7th - February, 7th, 2010
Opening January, 7th, 6 - 8 pm

Chowdhury: "For my canvases I have always taken reference from media. The idea for a painting comes from anywhere, T.V., or even a recent incident that may have occurred. I may begin with a small theme and relate other ideas and incorporate them in the painting. However, a composition may not always be drawn from a starting point. Nothing is planned. My canvas is my sketchbook, the same can be said for various media, which find their way to the canvas. I may begin with watercolors and use acrylic and then decide to do oils and acrylics. There is a thought to the durability of a painting when choosing the media though. Both, large and small canvases appeal to me. Time becomes the decisive factor for choosing the size of my painting. On and off I do continue changing and experimenting with new media and am now concentrating on large works, which give me more satisfaction. Large surfaces allow more room for exploring space and the experimentation with media."