MARLISE KEITH @ Khan Pearmath

Khan & Pearmath features the exhibition AFRIKAAN with works by Marlise Keith: exhibition curated by Dr. Sarah Khan

April, 22nd - June, 6th, 2010
Opening April, 22nd, 6 - 8 pm

Keith: "I've always been fascinated with the early colonial explorers of South Africa. I so very much wish their drawings and records of this land were true. While their documentation might have been factually correct, their visual interpretations were perhaps partial and skewed, and also fictitious. While one foot was firmly set in 'reporting' everything they saw, the other was set in discovering how to draw the wonders they saw, as if they were new to the idea of this space and time.

Sometimes I feel like the early colonialists occupying this land. I plunder the strangeness of it, and collect the people and their stories. I record to make sense of it. I realise that I am at once slightly apart and wholly part of it. On the one hand, I'm the colonial occupant and on the other, the 'noble savage'. It is a very uncomfortable path. I am the many parts of our history and I see all the many parts of today."