SMOKESCREEN at Khan & Pearmath: exhibition curated by Dr. Sarah Khan

June, 19th – August, 30th, 2011
Opening June, 19th, 6 – 8 pm

Although Doreen Southwood´s works appear at once visually beautiful, insidiously disturbing and quietly humorous they are situated firmly in the paradoxical. They play the opposite of interior-exterior, private-public, surface-depth, comfort-discomfort and vertical-horizontal against each other. Southwood's work explores the conservative Afrikaans environment in which she was raised as a white, middle class woman, brought up in privileged circumstances during the heyday of Apartheid.

Southwood: "In my work I examine my status as a white, middle class woman. In so doing I'm exploring the society I was raised in, the comfort of domestic isolation and dependencies. I am interested in the social pathologies that arise in a way which is both social commentary and autobiographical."