DOUBLE ENTRY: exhibition curated by Dr. Sarah Khan

January, 13th - February, 24th, 2011
Opening January, 13th, 6 - 8 pm

As a relatively fortunate Zimbabwean living in South Africa, Halter investigates and draws attention to the plight of less fortunate fellow Zimbabweans now displaced in South Africa. Dubbed the pejorative ‘kwerekwere’ these foreigners are often confronted with xenophobic violence by their South African counterparts. Halter is also concerned about the relations between the two neighbouring countries. He seeks to interrogate empty promises made by governments on both sides.

Informed by two field trips to the Beitbrigde border between Zimbabwe and South Africa, his new body of work looks at the notorious barrier and the passage Zimbabwean immigrants face in order to get into South Africa. With a touch of Halter's own dark humour, this exhibition of video, print and installation relates to these ongoing issues.