PRATUL DASH @ Khan Pearmath

Khan & Pearmath features the exhibition HUMAN SPACES with works by Pratul Dash: exhibition curated by Dr. Sarah Khan

February, 18th - April, 1st, 2010
Opening February, 18th, 6 - 8 pm

Quote from an interview between Pratul Dash and Rajesh Singh in the exhibition catalogue proxy horizon, Palette Art Gallery, New Delhi, April – May 2008:

Singh: "Pratul, what is the meaning of your name?" Pratul: "It means sufficient." Singh: "Is it Sanskrit?" Pratul: "No, it´s Oriya." Singh: "Your father is a lawyer." Pratul: "Yes." Singh: "And your mother?" Pratul: "She is a homemaker." Singh: "How do they react to your works?" Pratul: "They are very happy." Singh: "Do they understand your art?" Pratul: "Sometimes they do, sometimes they don´t. When I made my last video, my mother was very upset to see that. It was a performance-based video, and I had used my sacred thread to torture myself with that. I tied it tightly round my face, hurting my skin and flesh with it. It left red lines, scars, all over my face in a pattern. These were visible for many hours. I had performed it in Burla, my native town. I treated my body as an element of art and the sacred thread was the rendering tool. The scars were the drawn lines on the canvas of my body. The act was of violence. It was annihilation of the self. It lasted for an hour."