Khan Pearmath features the performance MULTI/ATTITUDES by Joël Andrianomearisoa

March, 17th, 2011, start at 6 pm

It is difficult to clearly define Joël Andrianomearisoa´s works as they borrow elements from various realms such as fashion, architecture, photography or even video. The art of Joël Andrianomearisoa is born from hybrid exchanges. Black, as a color, is the cornerstone of his work and it is omnipresent in his process. But far from being monochromatic, Andrianomearisoa's black is one and a thousand colors at the same time. Depending on the material, composition and the lighting angle, his blackness unfolds in endless nuance.

Further, textiles have been recurrent elements of Andrianomearisoa's work. As he extracts all their possibilities, he gives the materials a polyphony that becomes language, the language of a material that lets itself be split up, folded, creased or mixed. If it were necessary to find common strands in his work, time and the body would be Joël Andrianomearisoa's poetic vectors.

Andrianomearisoa is always on the edges. He does not approach his work in a direct way, but places it at the edges of the desires of whomever discovers these. His work comes down to a question of posture. He listens to the pulses of life and finds a way to be present in the world, dans le nu de la vie, in the nude of life, nackt im Leben [ this phrase originates from the title of the novel by Jean Hatzfield, Dans le nu de la vie, Paris 2002].